iO Ratshot Grain Bait BLUE is deadly to rats & mice. It also provides a reduced risk for dogs, cats, birds, native animals and livestock. Ready to use Baits for BALANCED RODENT CONTROL indoors & out.
iO Ratshot Blue employs the active ingredient of Difenacoum, delivering significant advantages to customers in a number of ways including relatively low amounts of bait needed to Kill Rats & Mice. Now the product of choice for customers who need effective control with reduced Risk. Science based formulation.
Active Constituent: 0.05 g/kg Difenacoum.
Controls & Prevents: iO Ratshot Grainbait is ready to use and deadly to Brown or Norway Rates and mice, including those resistant to other anti-coagulants.
Dose Rates & Administration Instructions: For use in and around buildings, including industrial, commercial, agricultural, public services and domestic structures. It also reduces the risk for secondary poisoning for dogs, cats, birds, native animals, livestock. A 25g mouse will only require 0.4g bait to succumb to the effects whereas a 250g rat will only require 9.0g of bait.
Made from Australian cracked wheat.
iO Ratshot Bait Stations are designed for safe rodent eradication.
Comes with a lock and key so your pets and family...
iO Ratshot Final Kill Paste RED are in a palatable sachet for control of Brown and Norway Rats and mice.
iO Ratshot Blocks RED are packed with a one feed killing power that are deadly on rats and mice. Ready to use Baits for MAXI...
iO Ratshot QuickShot Grainbait Red is powered by Brodifacoum the most powerful active ingredient on the market, coupled with Austr...